Outgoing DCE,
District Assembly
For us to have a very sustainable system of managing our environment, we need to reflect on our history. We will realise that in the past, be it a military junta or civilian government attempts were made to ensure that the environment was always clean. This was done by way of organising clean up campaigns. Unfortunately, most of such initiatives have become a mirage.
What needs to be done this time round, is to adopt an approach that will revolutionise the whole system starting from the grassroots through to the top.
We may also have to inculcate the teaching of keeping proper sanitation in our educational curricular to ensure that children imbibe the principle of keeping the environment clean.
Measures should also be put in place to sanction persons who indiscriminately throw away sachet water wrappers and in the process pollute the environment.
It is important that a critical look is taken at efforts towards preventing people from polluting the environment in the first place before putting in place other remedies that go to ensure cleanliness of our localities.
To prevent people from littering, sanitation bins must be made readily available in all cities, towns and villages and placed at vantage points that are easily accessible by all.
Sanitation laws should also be enforced so that whoever breaches the law will become culpable and made to pay for violating the regulations. This I believe will serve as a deterrent for others and will go a long way to make our environment very clean.
Daud James
Regional Director, National Youth
Keeping a clean environment is a collective responsibility for all Ghanaians. Every citizen has a role to play in ensuring that the environment is very clean at all times.
Communities are made up of homes, therefore if every household is kept clean, this will translate to the community and in the long run the entire society will be kept clean.
But I must quickly add that, it is one thing collecting refuse from homes and another thing dumping it at the designated refuse collection points.
The assemblies must also live up to their responsibility of ensuring that refuse generated and sent to the collection points are regularly lifted and sent to the disposal sites.
The disposal sites should be efficiently managed to ensure that refuse sent there are properly disposed off.
This way, our environment will be clean and community and national health bill would be reduced.
It is important that the public is also educated and made aware of the negative consequences of not keeping the environment clean. When this is done they will appreciate the need to keep a clean environment.
Cyprian Tengabo,
Efforts aimed at ensuring sustainability of the environment will be possible primarily through education. Though, a lot of moves have been made over the years to make sure that our environment is clean, the situation rather seems to be getting out of hand and this is because, governments over the years have only paid lip service to sanitation efforts.
Though some little successes have been achieved over time, the problem still persists due to the fact that the people who generate the mess are far removed from the policy makers.
The difficulty can basically be traced to the lack of appreciation of sanitation messages and programmes.
Of course, we clean our homes everyday, so why can't we clean our surroundings? This means there is something lacking. Policy makers should come out with pragmatic education programmes.
Indeed, agencies such as the National Commission for Civic Education (NCCE), Information Services Department (ISD) and all other agencies that relay information to the people must evolve measures that can be sustained and educate the public on the need to clean their environment.
Madam Mariama
Yayaha, Regional
Director, Department of Children
I think that the best way to sustain a clean environment is to ensure awareness creation among the citizenry on the harmful effects of insanitary conditions.
There should be continuous campaigns on cleanliness of the environment. That way we would be awaken to the need to keep the environment clean.
This will encourage everyone to do his or her part to ensure a clean and healthy environment.
Many people have resorted to indiscriminate littering of the environment because they have not been enlightened enough about the negative consequences that an unclean environment can bring about.
On the other hand while making people aware of the negative consequences of insanitary conditions, they should also be made to appreciate the positive side of ensuring cleanliness.
In most homes, it is the children who mostly do the house hold chores and sent to dispose of rubbish.
It will therefore be of great benefit if children and young adults would be targeted and educated about the need to keep the environment clean as they are the future leaders of the country.
Most District and Municipal Assemblies have bye-laws on sanitation, but unfortunately these laws are poorly enforced or not at all.
I think that the assemblies must first set the ball rolling by putting in place structures that would go to ensure good sanitation, by designating places for rubbish disposal as well as rubbish bins placed at vantage points to avoid indiscriminate littering.
Many of the diseases that afflict us as a municipality and by extension the nation, including malaria, can be avoided if only we would keep our environment clean.
Alex Ayetah,
Regional Road
Safety Coordinator
For me, the best way to go about ensuring a clean environment is to carry the message to the schools. If children are taught about the essence of keeping the environment clean they will carry the message home and even influence their parents.
Teachers should be organised and equipped with the needed skills to enable them impart knowledge on the environment to their pupils and students.
In this struggle to ensure a clean environment, it is important that every single Ghanaian is encouraged to get on board and join hands with the government in its attempt to keep a clean Ghana.
The District Assemblies and more especially, the assembly members must also play their role as leaders of their electoral areas and educate their people on the need to keep a clean environment.
The government's target to achieve a clean environment in its first 100 days in office, should not be a difficult task to achieve if we are all sincere and serious about the problem at hand.
The media has a role to play by focusing their lenses on the environment, rather than on politics. That way they will be contributing towards ensuring a clean and healthy environment.
What needs to be done this time round, is to adopt an approach that will revolutionise the whole system starting from the grassroots through to the top.
We may also have to inculcate the teaching of keeping proper sanitation in our educational curricular to ensure that children imbibe the principle of keeping the environment clean.
Measures should also be put in place to sanction persons who indiscriminately throw away sachet water wrappers and in the process pollute the environment.
It is important that a critical look is taken at efforts towards preventing people from polluting the environment in the first place before putting in place other remedies that go to ensure cleanliness of our localities.
To prevent people from littering, sanitation bins must be made readily available in all cities, towns and villages and placed at vantage points that are easily accessible by all.
Sanitation laws should also be enforced so that whoever breaches the law will become culpable and made to pay for violating the regulations. This I believe will serve as a deterrent for others and will go a long way to make our environment very clean.
Regional Director, National Youth
Keeping a clean environment is a collective responsibility for all Ghanaians. Every citizen has a role to play in ensuring that the environment is very clean at all times.
Communities are made up of homes, therefore if every household is kept clean, this will translate to the community and in the long run the entire society will be kept clean.
But I must quickly add that, it is one thing collecting refuse from homes and another thing dumping it at the designated refuse collection points.
The assemblies must also live up to their responsibility of ensuring that refuse generated and sent to the collection points are regularly lifted and sent to the disposal sites.
The disposal sites should be efficiently managed to ensure that refuse sent there are properly disposed off.
This way, our environment will be clean and community and national health bill would be reduced.
It is important that the public is also educated and made aware of the negative consequences of not keeping the environment clean. When this is done they will appreciate the need to keep a clean environment.
Efforts aimed at ensuring sustainability of the environment will be possible primarily through education. Though, a lot of moves have been made over the years to make sure that our environment is clean, the situation rather seems to be getting out of hand and this is because, governments over the years have only paid lip service to sanitation efforts.
Though some little successes have been achieved over time, the problem still persists due to the fact that the people who generate the mess are far removed from the policy makers.
The difficulty can basically be traced to the lack of appreciation of sanitation messages and programmes.
Of course, we clean our homes everyday, so why can't we clean our surroundings? This means there is something lacking. Policy makers should come out with pragmatic education programmes.
Indeed, agencies such as the National Commission for Civic Education (NCCE), Information Services Department (ISD) and all other agencies that relay information to the people must evolve measures that can be sustained and educate the public on the need to clean their environment.
Yayaha, Regional
Director, Department of Children
I think that the best way to sustain a clean environment is to ensure awareness creation among the citizenry on the harmful effects of insanitary conditions.
There should be continuous campaigns on cleanliness of the environment. That way we would be awaken to the need to keep the environment clean.
This will encourage everyone to do his or her part to ensure a clean and healthy environment.
Many people have resorted to indiscriminate littering of the environment because they have not been enlightened enough about the negative consequences that an unclean environment can bring about.
On the other hand while making people aware of the negative consequences of insanitary conditions, they should also be made to appreciate the positive side of ensuring cleanliness.
In most homes, it is the children who mostly do the house hold chores and sent to dispose of rubbish.
It will therefore be of great benefit if children and young adults would be targeted and educated about the need to keep the environment clean as they are the future leaders of the country.
Most District and Municipal Assemblies have bye-laws on sanitation, but unfortunately these laws are poorly enforced or not at all.
I think that the assemblies must first set the ball rolling by putting in place structures that would go to ensure good sanitation, by designating places for rubbish disposal as well as rubbish bins placed at vantage points to avoid indiscriminate littering.
Many of the diseases that afflict us as a municipality and by extension the nation, including malaria, can be avoided if only we would keep our environment clean.
Regional Road
Safety Coordinator
For me, the best way to go about ensuring a clean environment is to carry the message to the schools. If children are taught about the essence of keeping the environment clean they will carry the message home and even influence their parents.
Teachers should be organised and equipped with the needed skills to enable them impart knowledge on the environment to their pupils and students.
In this struggle to ensure a clean environment, it is important that every single Ghanaian is encouraged to get on board and join hands with the government in its attempt to keep a clean Ghana.
The District Assemblies and more especially, the assembly members must also play their role as leaders of their electoral areas and educate their people on the need to keep a clean environment.
The government's target to achieve a clean environment in its first 100 days in office, should not be a difficult task to achieve if we are all sincere and serious about the problem at hand.
The media has a role to play by focusing their lenses on the environment, rather than on politics. That way they will be contributing towards ensuring a clean and healthy environment.